Chem-Dry Loyalty Card now gives an even better discount!
Our Chem-Dry loyalty card system rewards customers who use our services repeatedly or recommend us to their friends and family. Just ask your technician for a loyalty fridge magnet. Each subsequent clean attracts 10% discount and every fifth job gets 50% off.
Chem-Dry Action wants your repeat business. Our technicians love to return to the same jobs because these customers trust them and believe in our service. Returning customers often ask for the same technicians they used previously, and this re-affirms how fantastic their work is. The Chem-Dry loyalty card is handy to keep, and does not require much space on your fridge to be given up. Ask our friendly technicians for your very own Chem-Dry loyalty card today!
Everyone makes mistakes.Give us a call on 1300 136 776 and join our expanding group of loyal customers.